Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Journey Begins

For those of you who don't know (which may actually be a lot of you!), I have decided to change the path I've been on since I graduated from college almost 7 years ago. For the past 6 years, I have been working in the wellness industry. While I absolutley love my job, I have been feeling like it's time to head in a different direction. For me, this means going back to school to get my teaching certificate. I'm moving back up to Logan to go to USU for what I like to call "Round 2."
Since this move means being away from family and friends, and since a lot of my friends live states away anyway, I decided it would be fun to jump on the blogging bandwagon. I love reading my friends' blogs, and I feel better informed as to what's going on in their lives when I do.
Also, I HATE writing in my journal. I hate, hate, hate it! As a matter of fact, I can't remember the last time I actually did write in it. I thought this would be a good, and much more fun, substitute.
So.....because of my desire to stay in touch with those I love, and because I know how important recording your life is (or should be), all of you will have the blessing of being exposed to the interworkings of my brain. YAY!
Stay tuned.... :)


Lindsay said...

I'm excited you've joined the blogging world!

And I think you'd be an excellent teacher!

Amber said...

Hey thanks! :)