Thursday, November 6, 2008

Super Cute!!!

These are pictures of the daughter of one of our family friends. I'm pretty sure she's one of the cutest, sweetest little girls EVER!!! Just thought I'd share. :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Top Ten Reasons Why I Hate the World

I know I usually do Top Ten lists on Tuesdays (the two times I've actually done them), but I decided to be adventurous and do one on Monday. (Scandalous, I know.) There's nothing that brings about a colossal bad mood quite like the combination of sleep deprivation and stress, both of which I have had copious amounts of in the last month. Along with colossal bad moods comes a tendency toward cynicism and negativity. These are my excuses for hating the world and everyone in it at the moment. And these are the Top Ten reasons why:

10) Liars. I'm sick of being lied to. This happens way too often in the world we call our home. I've been lied to so often in the last few years, that I find myself questioning most things that come out of people's mouths. There are very few people I completely trust, and this makes me sad. My natural tendency is to trust everyone, but experience has taught me the opposite. Sadness.

9) Broken promises. This could technically fall under the category of "liars," but it deserves its own recognition. If you're not 99.9% sure you'll fulfill a promise, don't make it. I understand extenuating circumstances may arise, but these are rare. People are constantly telling others what they think they want to hear, because it's easier that way. In the long run though, it ends up hurting them more.

8) People who use their issues as a crutch and self-handicap. Everyone has issues. I haven't met a person yet who doesn't have them. I myself have more than enough. Granted, some people have much deeper issues than others, but generally speaking, most peoples' issues are self-made & self-perpetuated. My favorite one at the moment happens to be "commitment issues." This is an excuse I'm beginning to lose patience with. We've all been hurt & screwed over before. It sucks and it isn't fun. However, if we remain afraid of committing to something (or someone), we will continue to miss out on the fabulous opportunities life has to offer. I think it's time people suck it up and start dealing with their issues instead of hiding behind them.

7) People who are inconsiderate of others. This one really kills me. It seems to be an epidemic in our society. It is based in pure selfishness and in putting oneself before everyone else.

6) Longboarders on campus. I HATE longboards. I have almost been killed on multiple occasions while walking to class. Bikes and those stupid Razor scooters also fall in this category.

5) Unfulfilled expectations. Enough said.

4) The girl who lives next to me who plays the guitar & sings at the top of her lungs at 3 am. Also my super crappy mattress & the paper-thinness of my apartment walls. These are some of the reasons behind my sleep deprivation.

3) Finding out that people you thought were your friends really aren't, and they're more concerned about themselves than you.

2) I have 3 huge papers & a midterm to deal with in the next week. This is quite possibly at the root of my colossal bad mood. I'm so ready for this semester to be over, it's making me crazy.

1) The fact that winter is just around the corner, which means cold & darkness. It's this time of year that my S.A.D. kicks in, which always makes for a good time. I guess it's time to bring out the full spectrum lightbulbs & Vitamin D & perhaps take a trip to the Caribbean.

And there you have it. My super-sized rant/vent. YAY!!! I'm sure you all feel better after having read my list. I'll try to be a little more positive next time, as I don't want to be responsible for someone spiraling into a deep depression. :)