It hurts a lot to watch someone you love gradually let their light go. Especially when you can see who they really are and what they're capable of. When you know they want to change, but they just don't seem to have the strength to make it happen. When you spend countless hours trying to help them see what they need to see, but they either can't or won't let it sink in. You know they hear the words you're saying, but they can't hear the meaning beneath those words.
It hurts to watch them create a reality that doesn't really exist. To watch them lie to themselves to justify that reality. To watch them live in fear of fear itself, of their own potential success, greatness, and possibility.
It hurts to see them give up their own happiness for someone who's not worth it. To watch them try to make everyone that doesn't matter happy. It's hard to understand why they would isolate themselves from those who really love them because they know they've disappointed those people. To watch them invest their time with people who are in the relationship for selfish, self-centered reasons, and who take advantage of the person's weaknesses. Who manipulate that person to get what they want.
It also hurts to loose that person, especially when you trusted them enough to open your heart and soul. To let them see your scars, hurts, and broken parts. It hurts when you find out that they're just like everyone else, especially when you thought they were different. When you thought they wouldn't abandon you when you needed them.
All of this wouldn't hurt if you didn't love the person so much. If you didn't want the best for them, and only had their ultimate happiness at heart. It would be a lot easier if you couldn't feel their pain and struggles. If you could just let go...