Tuesday, December 2, 2008

GO Motors!

One of my good friends, Kent Phippen, started a used car dealership about 6 months ago. It's in Bountiful, & they have killer deals! I would trust Kent with my life, so I would for sure trust him enough to buy a car from him. Just thought you'd like to know!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Super Cute!!!

These are pictures of the daughter of one of our family friends. I'm pretty sure she's one of the cutest, sweetest little girls EVER!!! Just thought I'd share. :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Top Ten Reasons Why I Hate the World

I know I usually do Top Ten lists on Tuesdays (the two times I've actually done them), but I decided to be adventurous and do one on Monday. (Scandalous, I know.) There's nothing that brings about a colossal bad mood quite like the combination of sleep deprivation and stress, both of which I have had copious amounts of in the last month. Along with colossal bad moods comes a tendency toward cynicism and negativity. These are my excuses for hating the world and everyone in it at the moment. And these are the Top Ten reasons why:

10) Liars. I'm sick of being lied to. This happens way too often in the world we call our home. I've been lied to so often in the last few years, that I find myself questioning most things that come out of people's mouths. There are very few people I completely trust, and this makes me sad. My natural tendency is to trust everyone, but experience has taught me the opposite. Sadness.

9) Broken promises. This could technically fall under the category of "liars," but it deserves its own recognition. If you're not 99.9% sure you'll fulfill a promise, don't make it. I understand extenuating circumstances may arise, but these are rare. People are constantly telling others what they think they want to hear, because it's easier that way. In the long run though, it ends up hurting them more.

8) People who use their issues as a crutch and self-handicap. Everyone has issues. I haven't met a person yet who doesn't have them. I myself have more than enough. Granted, some people have much deeper issues than others, but generally speaking, most peoples' issues are self-made & self-perpetuated. My favorite one at the moment happens to be "commitment issues." This is an excuse I'm beginning to lose patience with. We've all been hurt & screwed over before. It sucks and it isn't fun. However, if we remain afraid of committing to something (or someone), we will continue to miss out on the fabulous opportunities life has to offer. I think it's time people suck it up and start dealing with their issues instead of hiding behind them.

7) People who are inconsiderate of others. This one really kills me. It seems to be an epidemic in our society. It is based in pure selfishness and in putting oneself before everyone else.

6) Longboarders on campus. I HATE longboards. I have almost been killed on multiple occasions while walking to class. Bikes and those stupid Razor scooters also fall in this category.

5) Unfulfilled expectations. Enough said.

4) The girl who lives next to me who plays the guitar & sings at the top of her lungs at 3 am. Also my super crappy mattress & the paper-thinness of my apartment walls. These are some of the reasons behind my sleep deprivation.

3) Finding out that people you thought were your friends really aren't, and they're more concerned about themselves than you.

2) I have 3 huge papers & a midterm to deal with in the next week. This is quite possibly at the root of my colossal bad mood. I'm so ready for this semester to be over, it's making me crazy.

1) The fact that winter is just around the corner, which means cold & darkness. It's this time of year that my S.A.D. kicks in, which always makes for a good time. I guess it's time to bring out the full spectrum lightbulbs & Vitamin D & perhaps take a trip to the Caribbean.

And there you have it. My super-sized rant/vent. YAY!!! I'm sure you all feel better after having read my list. I'll try to be a little more positive next time, as I don't want to be responsible for someone spiraling into a deep depression. :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Quote of the Week (More Like Quote of the Month)

"Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it."

~ Maimonides

For sure something to ponder...

Life Is Crazy!

Wow. Talk about blog neglect. Maybe I just need to give up the idea of blogging on a regular basis & admit to the universe that it isn't going to happen. Here's a brief rundown of what's been going on the last 2 months:

#1 - I quit the Olive Garden. It was a blissful moment. I now work at Revive Tanning Spa & Salon as a massage therapist. It's awesome because I can set my own schedule & I get to charge as much (or as little) as I want. The room rental is more than fair, & I really like everyone I work with. Plus, I do trades with the girls there, which means free haircuts, pedicures & facials for me! YAY!

#2 - Classes started at the end of August. This is the main reason my blog has been so neglected. I am discovering that taking 3 history classes is not the smartest thing I've ever done. Talk about massive amounts of reading and writing. We just barely hit the mid-semester mark, & I've already read 5 huge books. I might as well be taking English classes. History classes are much more time consuming than Psychology classes ever thought about being.

#3 - I have awesome roommates. I really like them, which makes life easier. However, one of them is...interesting. If you want the details, call or e-mail me. :)

#4 - I have actually met a guy I really like & am interested in. I realize this is a miracle, and I too am amazed. Once again, if you want details, call or e-mail. I don't want to walk the line of being tacky by blogging about the juicy stuff. ;)

#5 - September is the month of birthdays in my family. Since I devoted an entire post to my dad's birthday, I just wanted to say "Happy Birthday!" to my cute, sweet mom & my awesome brother Jesse. I love you both! Also, it was my friend Lindsay's birthday. I sent warm fuzzies in your direction - hope you felt them!

#6 - One of my best friends, Rustin, moved back to Utah from California. This made me exceptionally happy, as I love Rustin & think he's one of the greatest people ever. Not only that, I'll be able to get to know his awesome wife Janey. PLUS...they're having a baby in November. It just keeps getting better...

I think that about covers it. I'll try to post more often than every 2 months, but I'm not making any promises. :)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my dad's birthday. I'm pretty sure he's the best dad on the planet. He's supported me through all of life's ups & downs & has provided an incredible life for our family. He has sacrificed so much & blessed our lives in ways that words can't describe. I love him so much & am so proud that's he's my dad!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Quote of the Week

"It matters indeed when the voice in your heart loses volume in your head."

~Marianne Williamson

I really like this one. I am one of the most logical people I know. This can be a good thing, but it can also be not so good. I have no problem listening to my head, but listening to my heart is another matter. I'm trying to do better at balancing the two out. Hopefully being aware of my "heart issues" is a good way to start. :)

I Know, I Know. It's Been Forever...

Yes, I know it has been a really long time since I posted anything. However, I have been a little busy getting used to my new life...

I got the job at the Olive Garden. I went through 1 1/2 weeks of training, which included tasting pretty much everything on their menu. So far, that has been the best part of the job. :) In all honesty, I really, really, really don't like it. Most of the people I work with are very nice, it's just the nature of the job I'm not a fan of. It's way too hectic, & it unbalances my chi. Apparently, I do a lot better in a calmer, slower-paced environment. Too bad I didn't know this before.

One night a couple of weeks ago, I was in the shower after an exceptionally long night at work. I was pondering about how much I hated my job when the thought smacked me upside the head: "Hey, why don't you find out if there are any day spas here in Logan, & take your resume around to them." (In case you were wondering, I have a lot of thoughts that smack me upside the head in the shower. Apparently, that's my place of inspiration.) What a brilliant thought. I paid a lot of money to go to massage therapy school, so why not use the license I have? Genius. When I was up here for Round One, there weren't any day spas in Logan, which is why I didn't think of this before. However, that was almost 7 years ago. Things change. Duh.

The next day, I took my resume to 6 different spas. I was pretty much offered 2 jobs on the spot. I haven't accepted either one yet, as I am waiting to hear from the manager of one of them. She's supposed to tell me how much I'd be making. Kind of important knowledge. Hopefully, I'll know where I'm going to be working by the beginning of this week. All I know for sure is that it won't be at the Olive Garden. :)

As far as the living situation goes, I'm beginning to feel a little more at home in the apartment. My first roommate has moved out, and I have a new one. She seems to be a nice person, although I never see her. The crazy next door neighbors have left as well. These people were living in the bedroom that shares a wall with mine. They were a couple who had a new baby. Yes. A baby. Living in single student apartments. With other roommates. I would hear the baby cry every night, at various times. Not only that, I could hear the parents yelling at each other. All the time. These were exceptionally classy people, especially the guy. I heard him say the "F" word every 3 seconds, pretty much every time he opened his mouth. I also heard him tell his girlfriend/wife that he'd slap her if she didn't stop crying one night. It was awesome to lay in bed & listen to the domestic disputes taking place on the other side of the wall. I'm really glad they're gone. :)

I think that about covers it. School is over for the summer, so I have a little more free time on my hands. Fall semester starts in 2 weeks, and I'm actually looking forward to going to class. It will be nice to be around people again, since I spend a lot of time all by myself in my apartment. :) Probably not the healthiest thing, but that's life right now!

'Till next time...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Quote of the Week

"When you come to the end of all the light you know, & it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: Either you will be give something solid to stand on, or your will be taught to fly."

~Edward Teller

Congrats Rachel & Derek!

My cute friend Rachel had her sweet little girl, Elizabeth "Ellie" Grace on June 28, 2008. Congratulations Rachel! I know you'll be a great mom!

All Moved In

It's about 1:30 in the morning, & I can't sleep. I figured now would be a good time to update my blog, since I've obviously been neglecting it as of late.

I made the move up to Logan on the 1st of this month. I cried like a baby the whole way up here. You would think all would be well since it's not like I haven't done this before. However, the first time I actually wanted to do it. This time, I'm doing it because it's what I feel like I'm supposed to be doing right now. I have learned not to ignore promptings I receive, because things usually work out better if I pay attention. Following through on the promptings is the hard part. I have decided that if something is hard, it probably means it's right. Funny how that works. It probably wouldn't be called growth and progress if it didn't hurt a little.

The apartment I'm living in has five bedrooms. At the moment, there's only one other girl living here. I've only spoken to her for a total of probably 5 minutes. However, I can tell you that we more than likely don't have much in common. I learned this much when I was putting my things away in the kitchen & discovered her stash of alcohol (bourbon & whisky for those of you who are wondering) and shot glasses. Another clue was the homemade calendar on our fridge with its copious use of the "F" word and various other choice expressions. (Lindsay, you would have appreciated her usage of a**, since I know that's one of your favorites!) She seems nice enough though. As long as she's not having drunken orgies every weekend, I'm fine with a little alcohol here & there. Whatever.

The apartment itself was completely disgusting. Like it probably hasn't been cleaned in 5 years. I spent almost 5 hours (apparently 1 hour per year of non-cleaning) yesterday scrubbing and cleaning. I don't know how people can live like that. I was afraid I'd get some funky disease just by walking on the kitchen floor. I am a little obsessive-compulsive about these things though. I can't help the fact that I'm way sensitive to my environment. :)

Other than cleaning, I've been spending most of my time getting caught up on school. I've also been looking for a job as a waitress. I've never had a job like that where I don't have tons of responsibility. I figured it could be fun. Plus, I'll probably make more money doing that than anything else here in Logan. I have an interview at the Olive Garden tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes.

So there's my ornery-because-I-can't-sleep update. Hopefully things will get better & I'll end up loving it like I did the last time I lived up here. No worries - I'll keep you posted! :)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Quote of the Week

I know I usually post the Quote of the Week on Mondays, but since I haven't posted anything for a while, I figured now was as good a time as any.  I've been a little (or a lot) busy the last couple of weeks getting ready to finish things up at work and move to Logan.  I'm sure my posts will be much more interesting than they have been once I begin my new journey.
This week's quote comes from my friend Heidi.  She has this on her My Space page, and I love it.  I also love, love, love Heidi!  She's for sure one of my favorite people!

"I've learned that goodbyes will always hurt, pictures will never replace having been there, memories good and bad will bring tears, words can never replace feelings, we all suffer more from imagination than reality, staying away from pain and hurting will, ironically, only keep you away from love and joy, and that to be happy all you really have to do is make the choice to be happy. Reach out and open the door that no one thought could be opened. Life is behind it! We don't have an eternity to realize our dreams, just the time we are here. If you risk nothing, you risk EVERYTHING!"

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Quote of the Week

"Live with intention.
Walk to the edge.
Listen hard.
Practice wellness.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regret.
Continue to learn.
Appreciate your friends.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is."
~ Mary Anne Radmacher

No commentary on this one. I just like it. :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Awesome at work I gave a massage to a kid who has been home from his mission for 24 hours. Not only that, it was his first massage ever. How awesome is that? :)
Just thought you'd like to know...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Top Ten Favorite Movies

I love movies. I believe that movies and books are some of the only ways I am able to "escape". My brain is always on hyper-drive, and the only time it really shuts off is when I'm watching a movie or reading a really good book (textbooks don't apply).'s the list of my Top Ten Favorite Movies (it is a working list, as it always changes):
10. Peter Pan (the old Disney version). I seriously love this movie. It is one of my favorites from when I was a kid. I always wanted to be able to fly, and I probably secretly had a crush on Peter.
9. 13 Going on 30. I know this is a really cheesy/girly movie, but I need at least one of those on this list. I think marrying your life-long best friend is one of the coolest things ever. Plus Jennifer Garner's clothes in this movie are ever so cute. :)
8. Life is Beautiful. This is a very moving film. However, it has to be in Italian. No crappy dubbing.
7. That Thing You Do! This is just a fun movie. And I love the soundtrack.
6. Pride and Prejudice (the Keira Knightly version). This is the best book ever written, and this adaptation is one of my favorites. I need to find my own Mr. Darcy.
5. Gone With the Wind. Another one of the best books ever written. I think the movie is one of the best screenplays ever taken from a book. Plus, I love Scarlett's dresses. :)
4. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl. I LOVE this movie. A very good adventure flick. And Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom couldn't be any hotter (sometimes it really is all about the shallow stuff).
3. Elizabethtown. I think this is a great "discovering yourself" movie. One that makes you contemplate your own life. I love Kirsten Dunst's "we're the substitute people" line. Who can't relate to that? This is another flick where the music is awesome and adds a lot to the story.
2. Big Fish. I think this movie is so artistic and fun. Another one that makes you think about life and what it's all about.
1. Becoming Jane. I know, I know. Another Jane Austen movie. But I loved it. I think Jane Austen was someone who had an amazing view of the society she lived in, and this movie is a wonderful portrayal of her.
Once again, this list is in no particular order. I rarely have a true "#1" on any list. Just a bunch of favorites. :)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Quote(s) of the Week

We have 2 quotes this week. One is an original submission by Lindsay, formulated on the way home from the gym (I'm impressed that she's going to the gym. I need to follow her example.):
"If your belt is doubling as the under wire in your bra, you are wearing your pants too high."
Very insightful, don't you think?
Here's the second quote:
"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't."
~ Erica Jong
Unfortunately, this is all too true. Usually we ask for advice to either reinforce what we've already decided, or we are hoping that someone will tell us what we want to hear, as opposed to what we need to hear. Such are the complexities of life. ;)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Top Ten Tuesdays

Me & Lindsay - 1998
(Don't You Love The Matching Outfits?!?)
My friend Lindsay sometimes does top ten lists on Tuesdays on her blog.  I think this is a great idea, so I'm stealing it. :)  Tuesday is a day that's just there.  Nothing really exciting happens.  It kind of acts as a bridge to Wednesday, which is a good day because it's the middle of the week.  I thought a Top Ten Tuesday would be a good way to spice it up a little.  Since I'm stealing the creativity of someone else, I thought I would honor said person by doing my first list about them.'s the Top Ten Reasons Why I Love Lindsay (in no particular order):
10.  Her laugh.  I think it's great.  It's one of those laughs that makes me want to laugh just hearing it.
9.   Her sense of self.  She's totally fine with who she is, and she doesn't care what anyone else thinks.
8.   Her family.  I love them.  I don't really know them all that well, but I still love them.
7.   The fact that I can visit her in Arizona & we can spend most of our time watching creepy, real-life crime shows on TV & still have tons of fun.
6.  She knows she's a nerd & is proud of it. :)
5.  She survived going to both Rick's College & BYU.  Amazing.
4.  She's pretty much one of the funniest people I know.  When you get the two of us together, we think we're pretty hilarious.
3.  She understands that chocolate-covered strawberries can cure almost anything.
2.  She'll let me rant and/or whine about anything & she doesn't judge, she just listens & gives advice if it's asked for.
1.  We've been friends for probably 18 years, and even though we never see each other, we can pick up the phone anytime and start up right where we left off - no awkward small talk.  To me, that's a sign of a true friend.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Quote of the Week

I am a huge quote junkie. I love them. I also have a very soft spot in my heart for awesome lyrics. So...I thought it would be fun to post a "Quote of the Week" every Monday. Some weeks it may be a quote from someone who's probably smart & witty; other weeks it may be some lyrics from someone who's probably artistic & thoughtful. Feel free to submit your deep/artistic/witty thoughts. One day I may quote YOU! :)
"Your own negativity, or others' around you, can very easily sink down beneath your feathers and into your skin. It can sap you of your energy, strength, and imagination. So waterproof yourself. Flip it, and look at the bright side. Or if that fails, stuff your fingers in your ears and sing loudly."
~ Mina Parker

Saturday, May 31, 2008

When The Light Fades...

It hurts a lot to watch someone you love gradually let their light go.  Especially when you can see who they really are and what they're capable of.  When you know they want to change, but they just don't seem to have the strength to make it happen.  When you spend countless hours trying to help them see what they need to see, but they either can't or won't let it sink in.  You know they hear the words you're saying, but they can't hear the meaning beneath those words.
It hurts to watch them create a reality that doesn't really exist.  To watch them lie to themselves to justify that reality.  To watch them live in fear of fear itself,  of their own potential success, greatness, and possibility.
It hurts to see them give up their own happiness for someone who's not worth it.  To watch them try to make everyone that doesn't matter happy.  It's hard to understand why they would isolate themselves from those who really love them because they know they've disappointed those people.  To watch them invest their time with people who are in the relationship for selfish, self-centered reasons, and who take advantage of the person's weaknesses.  Who manipulate that person to get what they want.
It also hurts to loose that person, especially when you trusted them enough to open your heart and soul.  To let them see your scars, hurts, and broken parts.  It hurts when you find out that they're just like everyone else, especially when you thought they were different.  When you thought they wouldn't abandon you when you needed them.
All of this wouldn't hurt if you didn't love the person so much.  If you didn't want the best for them, and only had their ultimate happiness at heart.  It would be a lot easier if you couldn't feel their pain and struggles.  If you could just let go...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

School Kind Of Sucks

So...I've been back in school now for approximately 2.5 weeks (I'm taking online classes this summer), and I'm already sick of it. I have 1 psychology class and 2 history classes. I realize I got my degree in psych, but yes, I have to take another class. Apparently a Bachelor's Degree just doesn't cut it. I suppose I will be a much more capable high school teacher if I pay $600 for one more class. Whatever.
I am a good 1.5 weeks behind in all of my classes. (Remember, the semester has only existed for 2.5.) Working full time and going to school almost full time is not fun. I've never taken summer classes, but I was under the impression that they would be easier and less time consuming. That is a lie. Apparently my professors have assumed that their class is the only one anyone is taking. This seems to be the case more often than not, no matter what semester we're talking about. I just thought they might take the "lazy days of summer" into consideration. Nope. Not even a little bit. Between the 3 classes, I will have to write 13 papers. Yes. 13. That's a lot. On top of that, I will take 10 exams. This all makes me quite ornery. When I think about the fact that these good times are costing almost $2400 it makes me even more ornery.
Then I have to take a step back and remember that I have chosen to put myself through all of this again. No one is making me do any of it. After this kind reminder, 4 things usually happen:
1) I question my sanity, and feel quite unbalanced in the head.
2) I cry. (No surprise there. That seems to be my reaction to most everything these days.)
3) I feel grateful for the opportunity to improve myself and my situation, and tell myself to suck it up.
4) I eat a lot of chocolate.
I do believe these reactions will evolve into a cycle that repeats itself on a regular basis. Hopefully no weight is gained because of it. We'll have to see.
Thanks for listening to my rant. ;)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Journey Begins

For those of you who don't know (which may actually be a lot of you!), I have decided to change the path I've been on since I graduated from college almost 7 years ago. For the past 6 years, I have been working in the wellness industry. While I absolutley love my job, I have been feeling like it's time to head in a different direction. For me, this means going back to school to get my teaching certificate. I'm moving back up to Logan to go to USU for what I like to call "Round 2."
Since this move means being away from family and friends, and since a lot of my friends live states away anyway, I decided it would be fun to jump on the blogging bandwagon. I love reading my friends' blogs, and I feel better informed as to what's going on in their lives when I do.
Also, I HATE writing in my journal. I hate, hate, hate it! As a matter of fact, I can't remember the last time I actually did write in it. I thought this would be a good, and much more fun, substitute.
So.....because of my desire to stay in touch with those I love, and because I know how important recording your life is (or should be), all of you will have the blessing of being exposed to the interworkings of my brain. YAY!
Stay tuned.... :)